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Have you had an experience you are too afraid to write about? Is there some anecdote you’ve been harboring as too shameful to share? If you’re like most writers (or human beings, for that matter), there is not one story you’ve been hiding, there are many.

If you’ve been having trouble getting your hard truths onto the page, join me at the next free Memoir Collective on Tuesday, August 9, from 10 to 11:30 am (MDT), where we’ll go talk about tips and tricks for getting the scary stuff out. Think of it as your own private vulnerability camp. And no worries, you won’t have to share unless you want to.

The Memoir Collective is a free online group for writers looking for inspiration, motivation and a sense of community. Each meeting will include some combination of writing prompts, craft discussions, and small group interaction.

Please be prepared to show up on camera and join the breakout groups–this is a group designed to foster community, after all!

Registration is required.

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