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Why are you called to write? What do you wish to say with your work? How do you want your words to affect readers? And—most importantly—how do you achieve your goal of writing meaningful work in the face of doubt, fear, a crowded and competitive publishing market, and an already busy schedule? This daylong, goal-setting class will help you uncover and articulate your soul-level purpose for writing (both in general and for your current project). Then, we’ll take that soul-level knowledge and create a meaningful—and achievable—writing plan for the coming year. You’ll come to class with your writing dreams and leave with an energizing writing roadmap.

From last year’s class:

“This class and the instructor were excellent. I feel like I just read 50 books on writing (in relation to goal-setting, purpose, meaning, resistance) without having to take all the time and energy to read 50 books on writing. Really, it feels more like Shari distilled all the gems from 50 such books and shared them with us in a parsimonious, engaging, interactive way. Thank you, Shari!”

“We did a TON of writing throughout, which is one of the things I love most about Shari’s workshops – we always do a lot of writing. And these exercises took me right to the core of establishing writing goals for the year. Her handout was wonderful; the exercises were to the point – I wrote 15 pages!”

“Shari is organized and purposeful in way that made every part of the session interesting and valuable. The hands-on work and the sharing were so helpful for everyone. The way she facilitates means that everyone is heard but that the session continues to move forward. Superb!”

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