Story Matters
On writing, memoir and self-discovery
Recent Posts
Getting Personal with Millions of Readers
I read this story in the New York Times and it holds so many lessons for aspiring memoirists I wanted to share it here.
When Brooks Barnes, a correspondent who covers Hollywood for The New York Times, pitched an essay late last year about what it was like to grow up […]
I Moved to a Remote Cabin to Write, and I Hate It
What to do if you followed your dream, only to realize it wasn’t what you wanted after all
By Blair Braverman
(SC Note: This piece, originally published in Outside Magazine, contains some great writing advice for all writers but most especially memoirists, which is why I’m reprinting it here. I highlighted […]
Not This Again
Three months ago, fearing my life had gotten too comfortable, I decided to stretch myself and do something that scared me, something for which I had no inherent talent.
I signed up for singing lessons.
It took every ounce of resolve I possessed to make it to the first lesson. When I […]
On longing, envy (and yes, writing)
There was a time in my early forties when I once spent the better part of a day shopping for a soap dish and toothbrush holder that would perfectly match the brushed nickel faucets in my newly remodeled spa bathroom. Back then, I was extremely proud of my just-spicy-enough jambalaya […]
Gimme the page over a party anytime
Last weekend, I attended my first post-Covid party—a warm, summer night gathering held in a friend’s leafy yard.
I arrived excited. There were people–lots of them! And all seemed to be smiling. The collective vibe: Covid is over!
After grabbing a glass of rose, I launched into conversations with a swirl of […]
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